Shot in the Dark Page 11
Stretching out beside her, he ran a finger up her bare stomach. His brows furrowed in thought. “I’m not trying to convince you to ask me over to spend the night, but I’m concerned about leaving you home alone.”
“Devan.” She clasped his hand in hers. “You can’t be with me around the clock. You’re a detective, and I know you have more to do than babysit me.”
He blew out a snort. “Now that I’m on desk duty, there’s always more paperwork to do. Just when you get one file cleared up, there’s a dozen more like it waiting in the in-box. They’re like giant puzzle pieces, trying to stay focused and remember which facts belong with which case file.”
“I know how you feel. My acupuncture and anatomy classes are becoming increasingly difficult. There are so many nerves and muscles in the human body!” Luci exclaimed with a sigh.
Devan placed a damp finger into her belly button and drew it across her flat stomach. “What’s this muscle?”
“Linea alba.”
His touch dipped into the dent of her collarbone.
“Trapezius.” She rolled to face him and grinned. “If I pass your anatomy lesson, am I going to get dinner?”
“Oh yeah… dinner, and dessert. For some reason I’m suddenly starving. There’s a great Thai place close by. I’ll grab some take-out and then I’ll be right back.” He paused as he stood. “Will you be all right here by yourself, or do you want to come with me?”
Luci stretched out her naked body, loving the way his eyes turned a shade of brown somewhere between rich coffee and cocoa. “I’ll be right here.” She ran fingers up her bare leg and around the tip of her breast and shot him a sexy smile.
Dev rolled his eyes and groaned. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. If it takes longer than that, I’ll go back into the kitchen and prepare the food myself.”
He looked out into the pool and toward his swim shorts floating in the deep end. Shaking his head, he reached for a towel.
As he walked towards the house he turned and then said, “Don’t move.” He looked her up and down. “Really… don’t move.”
Over the high fence, Luci heard the sound of Devan revving the engine of his car. She looked around for her bag and pulled on her clothes. Even though it was against Devan’s wishes, she wasn’t going to sit around naked. It was bad enough she’d just let a man make crazy-love to her in a stranger’s pool. This wasn’t like her at all.
Having men ogle her had always been one of the obstacles to working at the espresso bar. At first she couldn’t help but think of her stepfather. But she’d thought it was a safe place to work… until the other night.
She would have been a mess if Devan hadn’t been with her almost every waking minute. She shouldn’t rely on him so much; he might not be there tomorrow. Luci had been the one who’d cared for Jon; she wasn’t use to needing someone. But she did need someone, and Devan had been there.
Her attacker’s face swam into her memory. She yanked on the hooded sweatshirt. What did she remember about that night? It was difficult, but if she could remember anything, it might help keep the robber from victimizing others. Luci owed it to those women, and she owed it to herself.
Pulling a pad of paper and a pencil from her backpack, she began to sketch.
The sound of Devan banging through the sliding door startled her. She’d been focused on drawing, and lost track of how long he’d been gone.
He caught the look on her face and his gaze grew concerned. He set the white plastic bags on the glass table and came toward her. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
Luci lifted the pencil and handed the pad to him. “It’s still hard for me to remember my attacker’s face, but I think I remember the tattoo pattern on his forearm. I thought it would help your investigation if I could make a sketch of it.”
Devan took the drawing from her hand and glanced at it. “You’ve remembered the details well.”
“Thanks.” She gave him a weak smile and bent her knees to rest her head on them. “I hate thinking about it.”
“I’m on duty tomorrow morning. I’ll run a trace. I’ll also see if there were any similar descriptions of tattoos in the other robberies.”
“I hope there’s food in there.” Luci motioned to the bags on the table. “Did you have to cook it yourself?”
“Lucky for you, no.” A smile lit his handsome face. “I told them I had tickets to a ballgame, so I was on a time frame. I knew that information alone wouldn’t get them moving any faster, but the extra twenty I threw in had them hit the ten minute mark. It was amazing. They were so speedy I barely saw their hands move.”
Luci rose to her feet and pulled a white take-out carton from the bag. “You can’t be that bad of a cook,” she commented.
“When I was forced to cook at my shared apartment in college, I think I killed off a few roommates. Seriously, you think I’m joking about living on peanut butter crackers from the vending machine at the station?” He weeded out a pair of chopsticks from the bag and broke them apart, handing her a pair.
“Your body is a whole machine. You need to put the things in it that you expect to get out of it.”
Devan grinned, as he sat in a patch of grass and opened the lid of the box in this hand. “You’re such a tree hugger.”
“That’s what I am. Love it or leave it.” She watched his gaze flicker to hers, wishing she’d worded her last sentence differently.
He shoved a wad of noodles and vegetables into his mouth. “I better start eating healthy if I want to keep up with you. Another round like we had in the pool, and I’ll be down for the count. I think my legs are still numb.”
She raised an eyebrow in question. “Is your leg hurting now?”
“My leg always hurts, but it’s not bad. That’s not what I meant.” He scooted closer, holding a bite for her to take from his chopsticks, and then watched her lips for a long moment. “I came so hard, I thought I was going to black out.”
“Oh.” Luci’s cheeks flushed from his blunt statement. She met his eyes. “I don’t have a lot of experience with sex. I haven’t been with many men. But I’ve never felt like I do when I’m with you.”
His eyes grew dark. “You’re a sweet girl, Luci. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Sweet? Like a candy bar? Cute like a puppy? God. She should have kept her mouth shut and enjoyed the evening for what she thought it would hold. Amazing sex. That was enough, wasn’t it?
She’d learned from her mother that sex could be used as a weapon. If you exposed your feelings they could be turned to hurt you. Luci wasn’t used to having sex, especially as great as the encounters with Devan. He’d made her feel like she was special, powerful and sexy. But their time together meant more to her than it did to him.
Sweet, innocent Luci, that was her. The dummy who was attacked because she stupidly opened the back door without thinking. Devan would take care of her until the next case came along, then some other innocent woman would need his protection and he’d be gone like a vapor trail.
Devan watered the plants around the backyard and then locked up the house. Luci tried to keep him engaged in conversation, but she could tell he was thinking of other things.
Probably how he’s going to let me down easy when he drops me off and says goodbye for the last time. The thought brought a sudden ache in her chest.
Ivan slid under the trees through the dark shadows of the house. As he checked the numbers on the house, a cool chill ran through his veins.
Twisting his large knuckles into a fist, he smiled. He’d never taken his robberies in this country to this next level, though now, he wasn’t sure why he’d waited so long.
He’d looked up the woman’s address and saw an overhead shot of the street where she lives on the Internet… it gave him a huge rush.
he was here, outside the house where the pretty blonde barista lived. If she was home, it would be easy. But if she wasn’t, he was a patient man.
Ivan pulled the collar of his black coat higher and stepped out of the shadows. It was hard to see if anyone was home through the basement windows of the apartment. He’d have to be quiet. He didn’t want any surprises.
Taking the bump key from his coat pocket, he wiggled it into the lock. Pulling it out a notch, he heard the tumblers catch. Lifting a screwdriver from his other pocket he tapped the key into the lock. Not hearing movement behind the door, he turned the lock.
At first it didn’t unlock. Ivan swore under his breath and pushed the key harder against the tumblers. Finally there was a click, and he silently twisted the doorknob swinging the door open.
His heart pounded in his ears as a floorboard squeaked under his foot. His gaze flicked around the dimly lit apartment.
It looked as though Luci Lombart shopped at a thrift store. His lip pulled up in a sneer. He’d had enough of living off the streets as a child in Russia. There was nothing hand-me-down at his place. Everything was new. Chrome and white. Polished and slick, just like him.
He touched a photo on the wall of the hall. It was the hot blonde with what looked to be her brother. Ivan touched a finger along the smooth hard glass, lingering over the image of her hair.
Opening her bedroom door, the scent of her lingered there and his erection sprung to life. Opening her dresser, he ran his fingers over her panties and slipped out a pair. Dropping them into his coat, he patted his pocket. He’d keep these for later. A special event.
He needed to keep on his toes and decided to wait in his car. Vlad would never put up with another mistake, so he couldn’t make one.
Ivan twisted the key and re-locked the front door.
Smiling, he took the stairs two at a time. He was a very patient man, if it meant getting what he wanted.
Chapter Thirteen
Devan turned the key in the ignition to off and pushed open the car door with his cane. Luci already had her door swung wide and her backpack from the back seat by the time he’d limped around to her side of the car.
He caught a note of sadness in her blue eyes seeing a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thanks for the great afternoon.” Rising on the tips of her toes, she kissed him lightly. “You’ll let me know if there’s any changes in my case? I’d still like to give you acupuncture treatments, but if that doesn’t work out, at least go to Doctor Bob. I know the chiropractic adjustments will help with the pain in your leg.”
In the past, this casual goodbye from a woman would have been a relief, but it wasn’t what he wanted from Luci. “At least let me walk you to your door,” he said, his tone gruffer than he’d wanted.
“I knew you were a gentleman,” Luci said, as she flung her backpack over one shoulder, and headed off across the lawn.
Pushing himself to catch her, Devan reached and took her hand. Her fingers were cool in the night air. He wanted to stop her, pull her against him and kiss her so he could memorize the taste of her lips.
Something changed between them when he’d made the half-hearted statement about her being a ‘cute girl’. What had he said that was so wrong? After that, she’d been as stiff as a board.
He would never understand women.
Luci confessed she hadn’t had much experience with men, but he didn’t have experience with this conversation stuff. In the past he’d never been in a relationship long enough to know what to say after he’d stuck his foot in his mouth. Did Luci want to talk? Should he shut up? God, he felt like an idiot not knowing what to do. He didn’t want this to be over between them. What could he say to retrace his words?
Following her up the brick path and down the steps, Dev quietly stood as he watched her wiggle the key in the front door.
Frowning, she pushed at the lock with her finger.
“It seems to be stuck,” she muttered.
Devan’s eyes dropped to the lock. “Step back,” he ordered.
“What?” Luci stuttered, as Dev pushed her behind him.
Slowly, he pulled the key out of the lock. There was a pile of small brass shavings on the concrete. He slid his gun from its holster.
Raising a finger to his lips to silence Luci, he whispered, “Stay here. Don’t move.” He pulled his cell from his pocket and handed it to her. “Call 911. Tell them your address, that there’s been a break-in, and that an off-duty detective in plainclothes is on site.”
He saw the fear in her eyes. Slowly twisting the knob in his hand, he pushed the door free. Edging it wider with his foot, he slid into the darkened room.
His years on the force told him the scumbag wasn’t inside. But someone had been there— he could feel it.
Dammit. Anger boiled through him. Edging her bedroom door open, he raised his Sig Sauer. In the dim light Dev saw the top drawer of Luci’s dresser open. It hadn’t been that way when they’d left.
The thought of someone pawing Luci’s underwear, taking a trophy piece, made him sick to his stomach. This guy was a sick fuck. But he’d find him, and when he did, it wouldn’t be pretty.
“Devan?” He heard Luci’s voice echo through the stillness of the apartment.
As he came around the corner, she was standing in the middle of the living room, silhouetted by the porch light at the top of the stairs.
He strode toward her, pulling her against him. Her face was pale and he could feel her body tremble as he kissed her hair. “It’s okay,” Dev muttered. “There’s no one here.”
She tipped her chin to meet his gaze. “But there was? Here, in my apartment?” He saw tears brimming on the edges of her eyes and threatening to run down her cheeks.
Luci had just begun to feel safe and forget what had happened that night at the espresso stand. Now, he knew, the memories of her attack were flooding back.
Hearing a loud rap on the door, they both spun. Dev turned, instinctively pressing her back.
“Police!” the voice called.
When the man stepped through the door, Devan knew the first officer, but slid his badge out and flipped it open for his view. Dev didn’t want to be mistaken for the person who’d broken into the apartment.
The two officers lowered their guns. “Burke?” the first one asked. “Is the place clear?” He flipped the switch, flooding the room with light.
“He’s gone,” Dev said. His long arm slung protectively around Luci’s waist as he kept her tucked tightly against his side. “The bastard is gone,” Dev finished, as he re-holstered his gun.
The officers looked around the apartment. “Why’d you think this was a break-in, Burke? Was it a forced entry?”
“I saw brass shavings outside the door on the ground. He must have used a bump key to get in, but then decided to re-lock the door when he left,” Dev replied through a clenched jaw.
Milton, the officer Dev recognized, nodded and shoved home his sidearm. “Was she the one who called it in?” he asked, motioning to Luci.
“Yes. We arrived together. Check outside and scan the area,” Dev ordered, before turning to speak to Luci. Her eyes were still wide, darting around the apartment. “You’re safe,” he spoke quietly, bending slightly, kissing her cheek. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” For the first time in his life, he truly meant the words.
As a police officer, Dev had sworn an oath to protect and serve, but this was different. Sure, it was his job, but it was something much more than that. It was up to him to recapture his lost strength so he could be there for Luci— emotionally and physically. She couldn’t do it on her own, and until he caught this guy, she wouldn’t be safe.
When she nodded, he thought she was going to break down in tears. But with her difficult past, she’d spent years keeping her tears at bay. Sni
ffing, she rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand, and steeled her back in a straight line.
“Listen,” Dev began, “I don’t want to hear any arguments about this. I’d be happy to stay here, but he knows where you live. If you come to my place, then I’ll know for sure that you’re safe.”
“He stole my wallet and my books with my bag. I don’t have anything else he’d want.” Her long lashes were spiked with tears.
Dev couldn’t stop the sinking feeling clawing his guts to bloody shreds. His mouth drew into a tight line. “Maybe it wasn’t even the same guy from the espresso stand. This break-in could just be a coincidence.” He tried to hold his face impassive, lying straight into Luci’s face. He couldn’t say what he was thinking, or what his cop instincts were telling him.
The bastard came back for her. Dev knew that.
Walking her to the couch, he motioned for her to sit. “Let me get you a glass of water. I’ll talk with the officers. You stay put.” Moving to the kitchen, Dev opened the cupboard for a glass and filled it with cold water. Quickly returning, he handed it to her and noticed the tremor in her hand as she accepted it.
Milton banged back though the door. “There was a cigarette still burning out on the street. No one was there, but they might have been watching the place from a car.”
Dev balled his fingers into a fist as he moved closer to Milton and dropped his voice, “Get lab techs to pull prints from the dresser as per my request.”
Returning to Luci, he reached for her hand and squeezed it solidly. “I’ll grab a few of your things. We’ll come back if you need anything else. Just basics for now.” Pulling her to her feet, he brushed his lips across her forehead. Rubbing a hand down her arms he frowned. “Bring a sweater. Your arms are freezing.”
He waited to hear if she replied, but tension hung in the air between them. Stabbing the base of his cane on the floor he silently followed Luci down the hall to her bedroom.